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Actual Clients of DoulaViva
The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.
She never existed before". -Osho
Birth is like peeling away all your layers.
You need to let go of every past trauma and inhibition.
You need to let your body take over and just be.
-Heather Baker, Traditional Midwife
Empower. Nurture. Educate. Advocate.
Doula Services & Support
Nubia works to improve the integrative health and wellness of mom and baby starting with pre-pregnancy and beyond.
In-Home Care & Education
Nubia is available to serve you on your personal journey no matter which path you travel. Nubia provides support from a holistic perspective gained through professional development
Payment Plans Available
Payment Plans available for all clients. Call, text, or email questions about Nubia's services anytime!
"Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter." — Izaak Walton
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