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About DoulaViva Births

DoulaViva Births is a collective of maternal health professionals in New Jersey and New York who provide support to families in various stages of parenthood including fertility health, pregnancy, birth, postpartum and the first year of parenting . Support is provided in the form of education, advocacy, emotional, physical, and nutritional wellness. The support includes both evidence based practices as well as traditional holistic practices. Our perinatal professionals are passionately serving families of all ages, diverse backgrounds, cultures and personal beliefs at various stages in their lives. We are consciously connecting with each family to create a relationship full of nurturing & trust while respecting your individual choices.


DoulaViva Client

About Founder, NubiaJones

Nubia is a certified birth doula, postpartum doula, parent educator, certified breastfeeding counselor (CLC), an integrative nutrition health coach (IIN) and a student midwife.  Most importantly, she is a mother of five children. Her journey supporting women and families began in 2000. After birthing with midwives, she decided to develop a working relationship at the birth center where her children were born.  At this free-standing birth center, Nubia served on the board of directors and led support groups for the expectant families and breastfeeding moms. In 2012, Nubia’s career as a doula took off as she volunteered her services for many families in her hometown, Washington, DC.  In 2015, her family relocated and she began serving a diverse population throughout New York and New Jersey where she is currently practicing, along with a team of equally skilled perinatal professionals.


On her spare time, Nubia enjoys traveling internationally, cooking, dancing, spending time in nature, and enjoying quality time with her teenage and young adult children.  Nubia spent a couple of years living abroad and off the beaten path with her children and their dad. It was the most rewarding life experience to date.  She plans to serve as a birthworker internationally, as well, so that she can merge her love for international travel and serving mothers.


Offering in-home consultation, video calls/consults, urgent consultations, private classes, small group workshops, family preparation & private coaching.

  • Certified Birth Doula 

  • Experienced Postpartum Doula

  • Certified Breastfeeding Counselor

  • Certified Parent Educator (API)

  • Evidence Based Birth® Instructor

  • Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (IIN)

  • Spinning Babies® Parent Educator

  • Neonatal Resuscitation

  • Trained Birth/Midwife Assistant 

  • Student Midwife



All I can say is, Nubia completely changed my birthing experience for the better.  She was a strong advocate for me in the delivery room and I truly believe if she had not been there, I would have ended up with a cesarean or at least multiple interventions.   My water broke very early, however, I was not having contractions.  The MD wanted to start me on Pitocin which I did not want since it would make my contractions stronger and force me into an epidural earlier.  Nubia helped me move around to start bringing in the contractions, which even surprised the MD and my husband.  Once the contractions started, she gave me massages and compresses which were very soothing...




-Anna Daglyan

The Journey

Doula Nubia
  • A mother of FIVE (natural/water births)

  • Breastfeeding mom of 5 babies

  • Experienced Birth Doula Since 2012

  • Postpartum Doula Experience: Since 2012  and Former Day Care Owner/Director

  • Languages Spoken: English, Spanish (Basic)

  • Certified, Licensed & Insured

My Experience

​Passionately serving women of all ages, with diverse backgrounds,  cultures, & personal beliefs at various stages in their lives.


  • Evidence Based Birth® Instructor

  • Certified Spinning Babies Parent Educator

  • Certified Attachment Parenting Educator (API) 

  • Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (IIN) 

  • Certified Breastfeeding Counselor 

  • Midwifery Student 

Parent Classes are coming NYC!_-Childbir
Your Advocate
  • Strong, dedicated advocate

  • Supports Black Mothers & Babies against injustices & racism in the medical system

  • Works to eliminate mortality rates of all mothers & babies

  • Supports ALL births

    • ​hospital

    • birth centers​

    • homebirths

    • radical/free

    • high risk 

    • low risk

    • epidural

    • natural 

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